This is a statue that I could see...but I actually am more likely to see the inside of a shopping mall...

The colors are really gorgeous this year and I am sure that we will see more of them as we head south to California tomorrow. We are going to the specialty and the 2 Del Valle shows (which have entries close to 5000 dogs).
Car is packed, dogs are bathed, suitcases repacked after unpacking them on Monday night and everyone is ready for the shows!
we are in Brussels now and will have dinner tonight at a nice restaurant. We are staying at the le meridien opposite the central station - and have been upgraged to a junior suite...nice
Lesley Hiltz
> Yesterday we took a trip on a small boat to Cavtat a town about 15
> miles south of Dubrovnik. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in
> the sky, high 70's and the deep blue, Adriatic sea. We strolled
> around the town, climbed to the high point, for some great views and
> enjoyed a superb gelato before returning on the boat to Dubrovnik.
> Had another Octopus salad (definately our favorite seafood here) and
> then headed back to the hotel
> Here are pictures of the Hilton where we have been staying while in
> Dubrovnik and the view of the old town from the balcony of the
> executive lounge.
> We leave here today and go to Vienna for the night. I hope that I
> have as good an Internet connection there.