I am in Wisconsin judging. I arrived here Thursday as I was judging specialties for min pins on Friday. Minpins were in the morning and I had some lovely dogs- in the afternoon it was old English sheepdogs - now, the fairgrounds had had a lot of rain in the past few days and so I had a ring full of straw and this was not ideal for hairy dogs, however the temperatures were mild and the clouds kept it pleasant.
Now saturday was a different story - we had more rain overnight and this was the day i had the ring from h**l, most of the ring was mud covered with straw - not ideal for an entry of over 50 white dogs (Samoyeds!)
but we persevered. Early in the morning the bugs were bad (Mosquitos) but later in the day a wasp went up my skirt and stung me... And as those who know me well are aware, I am allergic but in the middle of the ring there is not much I can do - other than take some benadryl.
24 hours later my thigh (where I was stung) is swollen to the size of a diner plate and is hot and itchy, and so it will remain for another week or so.
Today - Sunday was very sunny, humid and HOT. More good dogs and a beagle goes Best in Show, a good day.
I will happy to return to the moderate temperatures of home tomorrow
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