Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am one of those people who is highly allergic to insect stings (particularly wasp/bee type critters) and do carry an Epi-Pen (injectable antihistamine, to prevent me suffocating, due to swelling, should I get stung) well summer is Yellow jacket season and they are very active at the moment. They are less active in cooler weather, so I have taken advantage of the cooler weather we have been having over the last few days, to bait and then empty the traps I have set, after they are full. Usually this is a job I assign to David, but as he is not home at the moment, it falls to me to do it. So with Epi-pen handy I changed the traps over
I wish I had the protection shown above, but I don't. However I survived the challenge and my newly baited traps are doing a great business
After just a couple of days, this shows my catch, with both dead and live yellow jackets.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Oh I remeber figting with theese! And how Lui got stung in the face a day before we left to California.. So much memories!!