It's been record breaking hot for the last few days (107°F degrees yesterday - that's 41°C) and I have blessed my Air-conditioning. We have some summers when it does not get much use, but not this one. And the unusual thing for us, is it has not cooled down much overnight. Today has been a mild 95°F!! And actually there was a slight cool breeze and so I got out on the lawn mower, not that the grass has grown, but the weeds have - now they are all the same length.
My puppies have been going out from 6:30 7:30 each morning and then demanding to come back in. I let them out again around 4 when I feed (so they can poop outside) but they only last about ½ hour before demanding back in. Then I put them out again about 7-10pm. But I think I am raising a littler of wimps! When they come in they crash for hours. Still its better than stressing them.
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