Friday, September 9, 2011

Budapest Day 2

This Morning started with a sightseeing tour, by bus - first stop was Heroes Square

Followed by a drive along Andrassy boulevard (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) Then we drove past several magnificent buildings - parliament, opera house before crossing the Danube and going up to the castle area on the Buda side. Up to now we had stayed on the more commercial Pest side of the river. We went into the Matthias church (undergoing restoration)

Inside the church

In this castle area is a Hilton hotel, where we were originally scheduled to stay, but the cruise company moved us.... Maybe because they are having a wine festival on during our stay! What excellent planning.
Your admission ticket bought you a glass and a carrier for your glass, that you hung around your neck, so your hands were free. You can see David, ready to go

We tried to taste Hungarian wines that we were not familiar with. As it was warm, we only tried whites. I think our new favorite is Furmint, a dry white wine, grown mainly in the NE corner of Hungary. The wine festival was held in the castle grounds, lots of walking on uneven cobblestones! But all sorts of wonderful statues, our favorite was this hunting one, complete with dead stag and bloodhounds

Then here are some pictures of the vendors and their booths

Then we sat down on a bench and looked down to the Danube, and saw our cruise ship moored, we embark tomorrow, it's the one on the far side.

And this is the view down the Danube

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch


1 comment:

Janet said...

Love the hounds in the fountain!