This is a common site on our front lawn recently, its a mole hill - apparently we are blessed to have a rare sub-species of moles in our area - its called the Brush Prairie" mole - well our property must be a breeding ground for this critter, as they leave a lot of evidence of their presence!!
In Fall City, we have two kinds of moles - the Fall City Mole and the dreaded Beagle Mole. Our backyard looks like the moon!
The best success I have had with moles is using the bait and
applicator from http://www.mole-be-gone.com
Hope this helps!
I can send the mole-killing tag-team of Marvin and Giggles out to WA. Gig digs up the yard and kills the mole, then Marvin steals it from her and brings it into the house! Since the ground in WI is too frozen for digging, Giggles would probably welcome the exercise. (We all know Marvin isn't too keen on unnecessary movement.)
LOL! Oh dear! I'd love to see a picture of the rare Brush Prairie mole.
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