Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is YOUR Sleep Number?

David has been complaining for several months that when he gets up in the morning his back is sore, yet on any night we have been travelling and staying in hotels or with my parents, he did not have the same problem. This led us to suspect it was our mattress (and yet, its was only 3 years old, but I think we chose the wrong one when we bought and that the extra soft pillow top was not what we should have got.
So with nothing else to do on a dreary Sunday afternoon we headed to the Mattress shop and spent the next couple of hours lying on mattresses - soft, hard, foam, tempurpedic and every other variation in between. Eventually we decided on the Sleep Number Bed

This is a bed with air chambers in the mattress and you can adjust the amount of air in the mattress (separate controls for each side - Yes!) and you can adjust infinitely - from 1-100 (with 100 being the firmest)

The mattress was delivered yesterday and on our first night - I was at 70 and David 65, we will play with it again tonight and find our personal "Sweet Spot"

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